Explore the Caterpillar Excavator Models Catalog and spare parts from China’s top distributor network. Perfect for global buyers seeking reliable parts for Caterpillar heavy-duty equipment. Quality and compatibility guaranteed! Here below lets CPMC present the common models for Caterpillar Excavators models, if you are looking for any genuine parts for these CAT models below, feel…
Daily Archives: 2025-01-24
Caterpillar Excavator Spare Parts by Reliable China Sales Network CPMC Caterpillar excavators are renowned worldwide for their efficiency, durability, and versatility across various industries. However, their optimal performance depends heavily on the availability and compatibility of high-quality spare parts. To ensure these machines operate smoothly, it is crucial to select the right parts tailored to…
Honeywell Senseoint XCD 固定式气体检测仪 可燃(催化或红外线)、有毒和氧气版本,插入式传感器 Honeywell Analytics Sensepoint XCD 变送器是经过区域一认证的气体检测器,提供 3 个版本;易燃、有毒和氧气。提供完整的不锈钢传感器盒,经过测试和校准,可立即运行。更换传感器盒安装在装置底部并自动配置。 带有数字、条形图和图标的三色背光 LCD 从远处提供状态指示。绿色表示预期操作,黄色闪烁表示故障,红色闪烁表示警报。通过非侵入式磁性开关进行配置和操作。 XCD 接受催化珠或红外易燃传感器,0 至 100% LEL。红外线传感器检测甲烷、丙烷(对乙烯和丁烷具有交叉敏感性)和二氧化碳,浓度范围为 0 至 2.00 %v/v。 电化学传感器可用于氧气和有毒气体;一氧化碳、硫化氢、二氧化氮和氢气。 批准;ATEX、IECEx、UL、c-UL 和 INMETRO 继电器两个可编程警报和一个可编程故障 3 线,4-20mA 输出(漏极或源极可调) RS485 Modbus 接口用于远程诊断和配置(可选) 远程传感器选项(有毒和 O2) 抑制输出可防止维护期间的误报警 适用于室内或室外 防护等级 IP66 不锈钢或铝制外壳 EC 装置使用霍尼韦尔 Surecell 传感器 通用变送器接口提供统一性、更少的培训和维护库存 保修 XCD 单元 24 个月,传感器 12 个月 重量:LM25…