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XRS606 Atlas Copco Mobile Compressor – Cummins Diesel Engine Driven

Original price was: $51,500.0.Current price is: $42,500.0.

Atlas Copco Mobile Compressors_price list China Pudding Mechatronic Co CPMC Promotion

Atlas Copco ModelsSeries - Electricity Motor DrivenFAD m3/minPressure barMarket Price US$CPMC China Promotional US$
XAS57ESmall Air -Electricity Driven3712580.611250
XAS77ESmall Air-Electricity Driven4.2713775.812312.5
XAHS186E+Size 1-Electricity Driven111323651.621145.8
XAS216ESize 1-Electricity Driven13722456.520083.3
XAVS550ESize 2LP-Electricity Driven15.41444325.839625
XAXS600ESize 2LP-Electricity Driven16.91750008.144729.2
XAHS650ESize 2LP-Electricity Driven17.51244325.839625
XAVS650ESize 2LP-Electricity Driven19.71450008.144729.2
XAHS710ESize 2LP-Electricity Driven21.51250008.144729.2
XAMS800ESize 2LP-Electricity Driven21.5844325.839625
XAMS850ESize 2LP-Electricity Driven25.58.650008.144729.2
XRHS930ESize 2-Electricity Driven26.520144677.4129375
XRVS960ESize 2-Electricity Driven2725159648.4142750
XRHS1150ESize 2-Electricity Driven3220159648.4142750
XRHE1300Size 2-Electricity Driven3620177324.2158562.5
XRYS1050ESize 2-Electricity Driven3035212654.8190166.7
Models -Mini Series: Kubota Diesel Engine Driven FAD m3/minPressure barMarket PriceCPMC China Promotional US$
XAHS38Kd8 Series Kubota Diesel Driven Engine2.21220967.718750
XAS58Kd8 Series Kubota Diesel Driven Engine3717067.715250
XAS68Kd8 Series Kubota Diesel Driven Engine3.571887116875
XATS68Kd8 Series Kubota Diesel Driven Engine3.510.32275020354.2
XAS78Kd8 Series Kubota Diesel Driven Engine4.5721261.319000
XAS88Kd8 Series Kubota Diesel Driven Engine572275020354.2
XAS98Kd8 Series Kubota Diesel Driven Engine5.4724259.721687.5
XAS48 KDG-6KVA8 Series Kubota Diesel Driven Engine2.5726943.524104.2
XAS48 KDG-12KVA8 Series Kubota Diesel Driven Engine2.5728453.225437.5
XAS68 KDG-6KVA8 Series Kubota Diesel Driven Engine3.5730235.527041.7
XAS68 KDG-12KVA8 Series Kubota Diesel Driven Engine3.5731745.228375
U75 BOXU Series2.1716774.215000
U110 BOXU Series2.8717361.315520.8
U110 PACE BOXU Series2.8 - 1.35.0 - 10.520359.718208.3
U130 BOXU Series3.7721848.419541.7
U175 BOXU Series5725454.822750
U190 BOXU Series5.4726943.524104.2
U190 PACE BOXU Series5.4 - 2.55.0 - 10.530235.527041.7
Models Diesel Middle-BigCummins Diesel Engine DrivenFAD m3/minPressure barMarket PriceCPMC China Promotional US$
XATS156CSize 11010.339230.635083.3
XAHS166CSize 1101239230.635083.3
XAS186CSize 111.5739230.635083.3
XAVS206CSize 112.51442522.638020.8
XAVS236CSize 1.514.3144552140708.3
XAVS236C ECO+PACESize 1.514.0 - 17.014.0 - 6.04942144187.5
XAXS600CSize 2LP16.61761393.554895.8
XRS606 ECOSize 2LP171665880.658916.7
XRS606 ECO+PACESize 2LP12.0 - 17.017.8 - 16.06887961604.2
XAVS650CSize 2LP181469193.561875
XRHS666CSize 2LP2018.675169.467229.2
XRHS666C ECOSize 2LP2018.676364.568291.7
XRHS666C ECO+PACESize 2LP14.0 - 20.021.5 - 18.679362.970979.2
XAHS750CSize 2LP211269193.561875
XATS800CSize 2LP2210.369193.561875
XAMS850CSize 2LP248.669193.561875
XATS1200Size 234.6/31.28.6/10.3111716.199895.8
XAVS1000Size 228.9/25.512.0/14.0111716.199895.8
V900Size 225.4 - 22.816.0 - 25.0127295.2113833.3
XRHS888 PROSize 224.0/27.023.0/18.090161.380625
XRVS1100Size 227.0/30.025.0/20.0109619.498020.8
V1200Size 235.0 - 33.015.0 - 25.0170425.8152395.8
X1300Size 239.0 - 35.115.0 - 30.0194685.5174104.2
Y1300Size 239.0 - 32.015.0 - 35.0203680.6182125
Models Midle SizeYucai Diesel engine Driven FAD m3/minPressure barMarket Price US$CPMC China Promotional Reference US$
XATS426Size 1121024846.822229.2
XAVS466Size 1131329040.325979.2
CAT Diesel Middle to BigCAT Engine (Diesel Driven)FAD m3/minPressure barMarket Price US$CPMC China Promotional Reference US$
XRHS666CdSize 2LP18.620100330.689729.2
Y1200Size 238.6 - 32.315.0 - 35.0272580.6243750
Y1260Size 241.2 - 34.715.0 - 35.0387903.2346875
Thanks for your interest in purchasing one Atlas Copco Mobile Compressor from us. As one reliable air compressors and parts sales company in China, you can expect the much better prices from us. Here is a price list from us and hope you may get general prices idea about the Atlas Copco portable mobile compressors we can serve. There might be price up and downs depending on the worldwide economy and China distribution situation. Any questions, please feel free to email us. If you are looking for the Atlas Copco mobile compressors from China, please Submit a Quick RFQ, we will Answer you soon!

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