寿力工业空压机 LS12 & LS16 24 KT 配件目录

Sullair Industrial Air Compressor LS12 & LS16 24 KT Spare Parts

这是寿力空压机型号的配件目录,寿力工业空压机 LS12 和 LS16 24 KT 配件目录!空压机贸易服务中心(正式名称:成都沛丁机电设备有限公司)是空压机和原厂配件分销网络之一。 可以为您的压缩空气系统提供完整的解决方案!沛丁机电今天为您准备了全面的寿力工业空压机LS12 & LS16 40, 50, 60, 75 & 100HP-30, 37, 45, 55 & 75KW 24 KT所有配件。如,

1.传感器 :温度传感器,压力传感器。

2.控制器 :电脑板,继电器板,plc控制器,控制器,控制面板,操作面板 。

3.阀:电磁阀,旋转阀,气动阀,卸荷阀,温控阀,热控制阀,温控阀阀芯,比例阀,容调阀,压力维持阀,进气阀,安全阀,调节阀,膨胀阀 ,膨胀阀,止回阀 ,梭动阀,管路过滤器,自动排水阀,滤水杯,减压阀,压力调节器 。


5.主机-:主机(机头), 轴承,轴封油封,轴套,齿轮,齿轮轴,大修。


7.冷却:风扇,散热器,换热器,油冷却器,后部冷却器 。


9.传动 :联轴器,弹性体 ,梅花垫,弹性块,齿轮,齿轮轴。



12.缓冲件:减震垫,膨胀节 ,膨胀阀,弹性体,梅花垫,弹性块。





您应该只使用授权的原装正品零件来提高空压机的功能和效率。 成都沛丁机电设备有限公司是一家独立经销商,专门为客户提供空压机、原装正品配件、气动工具及相关设备。


寿力工业空压机 LS12 和 LS16 24 KT 配件

Parts Number 零件号 Sullair 品牌 Discription零件名 零件名
250038– 657 Sullair S12 Series 40HP S12 系列 40HP
250038– 658 Sullair S12 Series 50 and 60HP; 16 Series 60 and 75 HP S12 系列 50 和 60HP; 16 系列 60 和 75 HP
02250053– 915 Sullair S16 Series 100HP S16 系列 100HP
829705– 075 Sullair S12 Series 60HP S12 系列 60HP
829705– 075 Sullair 216 Series 60, 75 and 100HP 216 系列 60、75 和 100HP
825305– 283 Sullair 212 Series 60HP 212系列60HP
825305– 283 Sullair 216 Series 60, 75 and 100HP 216 系列 60、75 和 100HP
250017– 271 Sullair 212 Series 40 and 50HP 212 系列 40 和 50HP
250017– 270 Sullair 212 Series 60HP; 16 Series 60 and 75 HP 212系列60HP; 16 系列 60 和 75 HP
02250043– 113 Sullair 216 Series 100HP 216系列100HP
250018– 002 Sullair 212 Series 60HP; 16 Series 60 and 75 HP 212系列60HP; 16 系列 60 和 75 HP
02250043– 127 Sullair 216 Series 100HP 216系列100HP
250017– 630 Sullair 12 Series 60HP; 16 Series 60, 75 and 100HP 12系列60HP; 16 系列 60、75 和 100HP
250017– 494 Sullair Series 40 and 50HP 40 和 50HP 系列
250017– 495 Sullair  Series 60HP; 16 Series 60, 75 and 100HP 60HP系列; 16 系列 60、75 和 100HP
861405– 092 Sullair nut, retainer 5/16”– 18 螺母,保持器 5/16”– 18
241390 Sullair Series 40 and 50HP 40 和 50HP 系列
49971 Sullair  Series 60HP; 16 Series 60, 75 and 100HP 60HP系列; 16 系列 60、75 和 100HP
824206– 337 Sullair nut hex 3/8”– 16 六角螺母 3/8”– 16
241501 Sullair Series 40 and 50HP 40 和 50HP 系列
241079 Sullair Series 60HP; 16 Series 60, 75 and 100HP 60HP系列; 16 系列 60、75 和 100HP
828606– 125 Sullair 12 Series 60HP; 16 Series 60, 75 12系列60HP; 16 系列 60、75
837506– 094 Sullair 12 Series 40 and 50HP 12 系列 40 和 50HP
837506– 094 Sullair 12 Series 60HP; 16 Series 60, 75 and 100HP 12系列60HP; 16 系列 60、75 和 100HP
250017– 499 Sullair 12 Series 40 and 50HP 12 系列 40 和 50HP
250017– 502 Sullair capscrew, hex 5/16”– 18 x 1” gr5 六角螺钉 5/16”– 18 x 1” gr5
828605– 100 Sullair 12 Series 40 and 50HP 12 系列 40 和 50HP
828606– 100 Sullair 12 Series 60HP; 16 Series 60, 75 and 100HP 12系列60HP; 16 系列 60、75 和 100HP
250018– 114 Sullair  Series 40 and 50HP 40 和 50HP 系列
838206– 071 Sullair 12 Series 40 and 50HP 12 系列 40 和 50HP
838206– 071 Sullair 12 Series 60HP; 16 Series 60, and 75HP 12系列60HP; 16 系列 60 和 75HP
838206– 071 Sullair 16 Series 100HP 16系列100HP
250018– 121 Sullair 12 Series 40 and 50HP 12 系列 40 和 50HP
250017– 996 Sullair 12 Series 60HP; 16 Series 60, 75and 100HP 12系列60HP; 16 系列 60、75 和 100HP
825505– 166 Sullair nut, hex locking plated 5/16”– 18 螺母,六角锁紧镀 5/16”– 18
41034 Sullair  Series 40 and 50HP 40 和 50HP 系列
41035 Sullair Series 60HP; 16 Series 60, 75 and 100HP 60HP系列; 16 系列 60、75 和 100HP
825305– 283 Sullair Series 40 and 50HP 40 和 50HP 系列
250017– 271 Sullair  Series 40 and 50HP 40 和 50HP 系列
825506– 198 Sullair  Series 60HP; 16 Series 60, 75 and 100HP 60HP系列; 16 系列 60、75 和 100HP
250038– 657 Sullair  Series 40 and 50HP 40 和 50HP 系列
829705– 075 Sullair Series 40 and 50HP 40 和 50HP 系列
824210– 559 Sullair nut, hex 5/8” 螺母,六角 5/8”
250016– 692 Sullair motor, 40HP (230/460V) 电机,40HP (230/460V)
250016– 693 Sullair Smotor, 50HP (230/460V) 马达,50HP (230/460V)
250016– 694 Sullair Smotor, 60HP (230/460V) 马达,60HP (230/460V)
250018– 536 Sullair support, motor (60HP) 支撑,马达(60HP)
250017– 490 Sullair Ssupport, motor (40 and 50HP) 支撑,马达(40 和 50HP)
824206– 337 Sullair nut, hex 3/8”– 16 螺母,六角 3/8”– 16
837506– 094 Sullair washer, springlock 3/8” 垫圈,弹簧锁 3/8”
250014– 882 Sullair adapter, motor/compressor 适配器,电机/压缩机
837510– 156 Sullair washer, springlock 5/8” 垫圈,弹簧锁 5/8”
828610– 150 Sullair capscrew, hex 5/8”— 11 x 1 1 /2” 六角螺钉 5/8”— 11 x 1 1 /2”
829705– 075 Sullair screw, hex serrated washer 5/16” x 3/4” 螺钉,六角锯齿垫圈 5/16” x 3/4”
250018– 412 Sullair guard, coupling 防护,联轴器
828408– 250 Sullair (40 and 50HP) (40 和 50HP)
828410– 275 Sullair Scapscrew, ferry 5/8”– 11 x 2 3/4” (60HP) 螺旋桨,渡轮 5/8”– 11 x 2 3/4” (60HP)
837508– 125 Sullair washer, springlock 1/2” (40 and 50HP) 垫圈,弹簧锁 1/2”(40 和 50HP)
837510– 156 Sullair Swasher, springlock 5/8” (60HP) 垫圈,弹簧锁 5/8” (60HP)
847012– 060 Sullair washer, conduit reducing 3” x 1 1/2” 垫圈,导管减少 3” x 1 1/2”
250018– 005 Sullair hub, coupling (40 and 50HP) 轮毂、联轴器(40 和 50HP)
250018– 008 Sullair Shub, coupling (60HP) 轴套、联轴器 (60HP)
250004– 641 Sullair element, coupling (40 and 50HP) 元件,联轴器(40 和 50HP)
250018– 551 Sullair Selement, coupling (60HP) Selement, 联轴器 (60HP)
250004– 642 Sullair hub, coupling (40 and 50HP) 轮毂、联轴器(40 和 50HP)
250018– 006 Sullair Shub, coupling (60HP) 轴套、联轴器 (60HP)
828606– 225 Sullair capscrew, hex 3/8”– 16 x 2 1/4 六角螺钉 3/8”– 16 x 2 1/4
250014– 557 Sullair grip, cord 握把,绳子
250014– 306 Sullair wire, type g– gc 4 ga 电线,g型–gc 4 ga
250017– 489 Sullair support, compressor 支持, 压缩机
828610– 125 Sullair capscrew, hex 5/8”– 11 x 1 1/4” 六角螺钉 5/8”– 11 x 1 1/4”
250015– 817 Sullair frame, main 框架,主要
837210– 112 Sullair washer, pl — b regular unfinished 5/8” 垫圈,pl — b 普通未完成 5/8”
837206– 071 Sullair washer, pl — b regular unfinished 3/8” 垫圈,pl — b 普通未完成 3/8”
837508– 125 Sullair washer, springlock regular 1/2” 垫圈,弹簧锁常规 1/2”
828608– 150 Sullair capscrew, hex 1/2”– 13 x 1 1/2” 六角螺钉 1/2”– 13 x 1 1/2”
828606– 100 Sullair capscrew, 3/8” x 1” 有头螺钉,3/8” x 1”
250018– 433 Sullair bracket, discharge piping 支架,排放管
250016– 605 Sullair adapter, SAE flange 适配器,SAE 法兰
828608– 150 Sullair capscrew,hex 1/2”– 13 x 1 1/2” 有头螺钉,六角 1/2”– 13 x 1 1/2”
250016– 694 Sullair motor, 60HP (230/460V) 电机,60HP (230/460V)
250016– 695 Sullair S motor, 75HP (230/460V) S 马达,75HP (230/460V)
250017– 492 Sullair support, motor 支撑, 马达
824206– 337 Sullair nut, hex3/8”– 16 螺母,六角 3/8”– 16
837506– 094 Sullair washer, springlock 垫圈,弹簧锁
250014– 883 Sullair adapter, motor/compressor 适配器,电机/压缩机
837510– 156 Sullair washer, springlock 5/8” 垫圈,弹簧锁 5/8”
828610– 150 Sullair capscrew, hex 5/8”– 11 x 1 1/2” 六角螺钉 5/8”– 11 x 1 1/2”
829705– 075 Sullair screw, hex serrated washer 螺丝,六角锯齿垫圈
250018– 412 Sullair guard, coupling 防护,联轴器
828410– 275 Sullair capscrew, ferry 5/8”– 11 x 2 3/4” 有头螺钉,渡轮 5/8”– 11 x 2 3/4”
250015– 817 Sullair frame, main 框架,主要
847012– 060 Sullair washer, conduit reducing 3” x 1 1/2” 垫圈,导管减少 3” x 1 1/2”
250018– 006 Sullair hub, coupling 轮毂、联轴器
250018– 551 Sullair element, coupling (less hardware) 元素,耦合(更少的硬件)
250018– 007 Sullair hub, coupling 轮毂、联轴器
828606– 225 Sullair capscrew, hex 3/8”– 16 x 2 1/4” 六角螺钉 3/8”– 16 x 2 1/4”
250014– 559 Sullair grip, cord #2 (75HP) 握把,绳索 #2 (75HP)
250014– 557 Sullair Sgrip, cord #2 (60HP) 把手,2 号绳索 (60HP)
250014– 308 Sullair wire, type g– gc (75HP) 电线,g型–gc (75HP)
250014– 306 Sullair Swire, type g– gc (60HP) 太古,g型–gc (60HP)
250017– 491 Sullair support, compressor 支持, 压缩机
828610– 125 Sullair capscrew, hex 5/8”– 11 x 1 1/4” 六角螺钉 5/8”– 11 x 1 1/4”
837210– 112 Sullair washer, 5/8” 垫圈,5/8”
824210– 559 Sullair nut, hex 5/8”– 11 六角螺母 5/8”– 11
250016– 611 Sullair adapter, SAE flange 适配器,SAE 法兰
828608– 150 Sullair capscrew,hex 1/2”– 13 x 1 1/2” 有头螺钉,六角 1/2”– 13 x 1 1/2”
02250043– 064 Sullair motor, 100HP (230/460V) 马达,100HP (230/460V)
250017– 492 Sullair support, motor 支撑, 马达
824206– 337 Sullair nut, hex 3/8”– 16 螺母,六角 3/8”– 16
837506– 094 Sullair washer, springlock3/8” 垫圈,弹簧锁 3/8”
250014– 883 Sullair adapter, motor/compressor 适配器,电机/压缩机
837510– 156 Sullair washer, springlock 5/8” 垫圈,弹簧锁 5/8”
828610– 150 Sullair capscrew, hex 5/8”– 11 x 1 1/2” 六角螺钉 5/8”– 11 x 1 1/2”
829705– 075 Sullair screw, hex serrated washer 5/16” x 3/4” 螺钉,六角锯齿垫圈 5/16” x 3/4”
250018– 412 Sullair guard, coupling 防护,联轴器
828410– 275 Sullair capscrew, ferry 5/8”– 11 x 2 3/4” 有头螺钉,渡轮 5/8”– 11 x 2 3/4”
250015– 817 Sullair frame, main 框架,主要
847012– 060 Sullair washer, conduit reducing 3” x 1 1/2” 垫圈,导管减少 3” x 1 1/2”
250018– 006 Sullair hub, coupling 轮毂、联轴器
250018– 551 Sullair element, coupling (less hardware) 元素,耦合(更少的硬件)
250018– 007 Sullair hub, coupling 轮毂、联轴器
Consult Factory Sullair compressor unit (I) 压缩机组(一)
828606– 225 Sullair capscrew, hex3/8”– 16 x 2 1/4” 六角螺钉,六角 3/8”– 16 x 2 1/4”
250014– 500 Sullair grip, cord #1 握把,绳子 #1
02250045– 799 Sullair wire, type g– gc 电线,g型–gc
250017– 491 Sullair support, compressor 支持, 压缩机
828610– 125 Sullair capscrew, hex 5/8”– 11 x 1 1/4” 六角螺钉 5/8”– 11 x 1 1/4”
837210– 112 Sullair washer, 5/8” 垫圈,5/8”
824210– 559 Sullair nut, hex 5/8”– 11 六角螺母 5/8”– 11
250016– 611 Sullair adapter, SAE flange 适配器,SAE 法兰
02250045– 677 Sullair mount, vibration 安装,振动
49821 Sullair capscrew, thrd form type C 3/8” x 3/4” 有头螺钉,C 型 3/8” x 3/4”
250020– 315 Sullair filter, assembly air (with flanged base) (I) 过滤器,组装空气(带法兰底座)(I)
828608– 250 Sullair capscrew, hex 1/2 ”– 13 x 2 1/2” 六角螺钉 1/2”– 13 x 2 1/2”
837508– 125 Sullair washer, springlock 1/2” 垫圈,弹簧锁 1/2”
813604– 125 Sullair connector, tube– straight 1/8”npt x 1/4”t 连接器,管——直 1/8”npt x 1/4”t
250024– 745 Sullair tubing, thermoplastic 1/4”od 管材,热塑性塑料 1/4”od
40708 Sullair gasket,1/32 ” x 51/4 ! ”od x 4 1/8”id 垫圈,1/32 英寸 x 51/4 ! ”od x 4 1/8”id
20687 Sullair lever, inlet valve 杠杆,进气阀
408383 Sullair screw, set 5/16”– 18 x 3/4 ” 螺丝,套装 5/16”– 18 x 3/4”
40640 Sullair valve, butterfly 4” 阀门,蝶形 4”
02250046– 257 Sullair adapter, compressor inlet assy 适配器,压缩机入口总成
40642 Sullair clamp, hose 夹子,软管
47275 Sullair elbow, rubber reducing 4” x 5” 弯头,橡胶变径 4” x 5”
408153 Sullair clamp, hose 6” 夹子,软管 6”
02250046– 003 Sullair tube, aluminum 5” x 23” 铝管 5” x 23”
02250045– 989 Sullair hose, hump 5” 软管,驼峰 5”
829705– 075 Sullair screw, hex serrated wash 5/16” x 3/4” 螺丝,六角锯齿 5/16” x 3/4”
02250046– 997 Sullair support, bracket filter 支架,支架过滤器
825305– 283 Sullair nut, hex flanged 5/16”– 18 六角法兰螺母 5/16”– 18
40081 Sullair band, mounting 12” 带,安装 12”
02250045– 855 Sullair filter, assy air (16 Series 100HP) (II) 过滤器,总成空气 (16 系列 100HP) (II)
49103 Sullair Sfilter, assy air (12 Series 40 and 50HP) (III) Sfilter,总成空气(12 系列 40 和 50HP)(III)
47274 Sullair  Series 60 and 75HP) (IV) 系列 60 和 75HP) (IV)
250038– 657 Sullair cooler, fluid and aftercooler assembly 冷却器、流体和后冷却器组件
810524– 150 Sullair elbow, tube– m 1 1/2” x 1 1/2” 弯头,管子——m 1 1/2” x 1 1/2”
250018– 259 Sullair tube, 1 1/2” 管,1 1/2”
802103– 020 Sullair bushing, reducing 3/4” x 1/2” 衬套,减少 3/4” x 1/2”
250018– 251 Sullair tube, 1 1/2”od 管,1 1/2”od
810216– 100 Sullair connector, tube 1” x 1” 连接器,管 1” x 1”
250039– 986 Sullair tube, 1” 管,1”
810516– 100 Sullair elbow, tube 1” x 1” 弯头,管 1” x 1”
250038– 497 Sullair tube, 1” 管,1”
16741 Sullair valve, fluid stop 1” (I) 阀门,流体停止 1” (I)
810505– 025 Sullair elbow, tube 5/16” x 1/4” 弯头,管 5/16” x 1/4”
841015– 004 Sullair tubing, 1/4” 油管,1/4”
822216– 000 Sullair nipple, pipe 1” x close 奶嘴,管道 1” x 关闭
841215– 005 Sullair tubing, 5/16” stainless steel 管道,5/16” 不锈钢
810220– 125 Sullair connector, tube– m 1 1/4” x 1 1/4” 连接器,管子——m 1 1/4” x 1 1/4”
802105– 040 Sullair bushing, reducing 1 1/4” x 1” 衬套,减少 1 1/4” x 1”
810204– 025 Sullair connector, tube– m 1/4” x 1/4” 连接器,管子——m 1/4” x 1/4”
250025– 522 Sullair filter, fluid (II) 过滤器,流体 (II)
250018– 246 Sullair tube, 1 1/4” 管,1 1/4”
807800– 020 Sullair plug, pipe 1/2” 塞子,管道 1/2”
802206– 054 Sullair tee, reducing 1 1/2” x 1 1/4” x 1” 三通,减少 1 1/2” x 1 1/4” x 1”
822224– 000 Sullair nipple, pipe 1 1/2” x close 乳头,管道 1 1/2” x 关闭
14512 Sullair valve, thermal (III) 阀门,热力 (III)
810224– 150 Sullair connector, tube– m 1 1/2” x 1 1/2” 连接器,管子——m 1 1/2” x 1 1/2”
802106– 040 Sullair bushing, reducing 1 1/2” x 1” 衬套,减少 1 1/2” x 1”
250018– 376 Sullair tube, 1 1/2” 管,1 1/2”
802206– 026 Sullair tee, reducing 1 1/2” x 1/2” x 1 1/2” 三通,减少 1 1/2” x 1/2” x 1 1/2”
822108– 040 Sullair nipple, pipe 1/2” x 4” 奶嘴,管道 1/2” x 4”
41007 Sullair valve, globe 1/2” 阀门,球形 1/2”
837508– 125 Sullair washer, springlock 1/2” 垫圈,弹簧锁 1/2”
828608– 150 Sullair capscrew, hex 1/2”– 13 gr5 六角螺钉 1/2”– 13 gr5
250017– 233 Sullair bracket, air connector and condenser drain 支架、空气接头和冷凝器排水管
250024– 746 Sullair tubing, thermosplastic 3/8”od 管材,热塑性塑料 3/8”od
250018– 252 Sullair tube, 1 1/2” 管,1 1/2”
802108– 060 Sullair bushing, reducing 2” x 1 1/2” 衬套,减少 2” x 1 1/2”
801215– 020 Sullair coupling, pipe 1/2” 联轴器,管道 1/2”
250018– 378 Sullair bracket, separator trap 支架,分离器陷阱
801016– 012 Sullair coupling, reducing 2” x 1 1/2” 联轴器,减少 2” x 1 1/2”
40847 Sullair separator/trap (IV) 分离器/捕集器 (IV)
250018– 245 Sullair tube, 1” 管,1”
813706– 375 Sullair connector, tube elbow 3/8”tube x 1/2”npt 连接器,管弯头 3/8”tube x 1/2”npt
801606– 050 Sullair elbow, 1 1/2” x 1 1/4” reducing 弯头,1 1/2” x 1 1/4” 变径
822124– 075 Sullair nipple, pipe 1 1/2” x 7 1/2” 乳头,管道 1 1/2” x 7 1/2”
801515– 060 Sullair elbow, pipe 90_ 1 1/2” 弯头,管道 90_ 1 1/2”
810516– 100 Sullair elbow, tube– m 1” x 1” 弯头,管子——m 1” x 1”
250032– 112 Sullair tube, 1” 管,1”
810216– 100 Sullair connector, tube 1” 连接器,管 1”
16741 Sullair valve, fluid stop (I) 阀,流体停止 (I)
810504– 025 Sullair elbow, tube– m 1/4” x 1/4” 弯头,管子——m 1/4” x 1/4”
841015– 004 Sullair tube, 1/4” 管,1/4”
822216– 000 Sullair nipple, pipe xs 1” x close 奶嘴,管子 xs 1” x 关闭
810505– 012 Sullair elbow, tube– m 5/16” x 1/4” 弯头,管子——m 5/16” x 1/4”
810220– 125 Sullair connector, tube 1 1/4” x 1 1/4” 连接器,管 1 1/4” x 1 1/4”
802105– 040 Sullair bushing, reducing 1 1/4” x 1 衬套,减少 1 1/4” x 1
250025– 522 Sullair filter, fluid (II) 过滤器,流体 (II)
810204– 025 Sullair connector, tube 1/4” 连接器,管 1/4”
822224– 000 Sullair nipple, pipe 1 1/2” x close 乳头,管道 1 1/2” x 关闭
801606– 050 Sullair elbow, reducing 1 1/2” x 1 1/4” 弯头,减小 1 1/2” x 1 1/4”
810224– 150 Sullair connector, tube– m 1 1/2” x 1 1/2” 连接器,管子——m 1 1/2” x 1 1/2”
250018– 400 Sullair tube, 1 1/2” 管,1 1/2”
807800– 020 Sullair plug, pipe 1/2” 塞子,管道 1/2”
41007 Sullair valve, globe 1/2” 阀门,球形 1/2”
822108– 040 Sullair nipple, pipe 1/2” x 4” 奶嘴,管道 1/2” x 4”
802206– 026 Sullair tee, reducing 1 1/2” x 1/2” x 1 1/2” 三通,减少 1 1/2” x 1/2” x 1 1/2”
250018– 246 Sullair tube, 1 1/4” 管,1 1/4”
810524– 150 Sullair elbow, tube– m 1 1/2” x 1 1/2” 弯头,管子——m 1 1/2” x 1 1/2”
250018– 401 Sullair tube, 1 1/2” 管,1 1/2”
802108– 060 Sullair bushing, reducing 2” x 1 1/2” 衬套,减少 2” x 1 1/2”
802515– 030 Sullair union, pipe 3/4” 活接头,管道 3/4”
40847 Sullair separator/trap (III) 分离器/捕集器 (III)
801016– 012 Sullair coupling, reducing 2” x 1 1/2” 联轴器,减少 2” x 1 1/2”
250018– 252 Sullair tube, 1 1/2” 管,1 1/2”
250017– 233 Sullair bracket, air connector and condenser drain 支架、空气接头和冷凝器排水管
837508– 125 Sullair washer, springlock 1/2” 垫圈,弹簧锁 1/2”
828608– 150 Sullair capscrew, hex 1/2”– 13 x 1 1/2” gr5 六角螺钉 1/2”– 13 x 1 1/2” gr5
802103– 020 Sullair bushing, reducing 3/4” x 1/2” 衬套,减少 3/4” x 1/2”
813706– 375 Sullair elbow, tube– el 3/8” mnpt x 3/8” t 弯头,管——el 3/8” mnpt x 3/8” t
250024– 746 Sullair tubing, thermoplastic 3/8”od 管材,热塑性塑料 3/8”od
801215– 020 Sullair coupling, pipe 1/2” 联轴器,管道 1/2”
822220– 000 Sullair nipple, 1 1/4” x close 奶嘴,1 1/4” x 闭合
250018– 378 Sullair bracket, separator/trap 支架,分离器/陷阱
250017– 527 Sullair aftercooler 后冷却器
838206– 071 Sullair washer, regular 3/8” 垫圈,常规 3/8”
828606– 125 Sullair capscrew, 3/8” x 1 1/4” 有头螺钉,3/8” x 1 1/4”
802104– 030 Sullair bushing, reducing hex 1” x 3/4” 衬套,减少六角 1” x 3/4”
822112– 050 Sullair nipple, pipe 3/4” x 5” (40 and 50HP) 奶嘴,管道 3/4” x 5”(40 和 50HP)
810212– 075 Sullair connector, tube– m 3/4” 连接器,管子——m 3/4”
250018– 407 Sullair tube, water aft clr 3/4” 管子,水后 clr 3/4”
250018– 403 Sullair tube, clr/clr water 3/4” 管,clr/clr 水 3/4”
837506– 094 Sullair washer, springlock regular 3/8” 垫圈,弹簧锁常规 3/8”
825006– 337 Sullair nut, hex 3/8”– 16 螺母,六角 3/8”– 16
250017– 977 Sullair support, starter box — right hand 支持,启动盒 – 右手
250017– 978 Sullair support, starter box — left hand 支持,启动盒 – 左手
802106– 040 Sullair bushing, reducing hex 1 1/2” x 1” 衬套,减少六角 1 1/2” x 1”
802206– 054 Sullair tee, reducing 1 1/2” x 1 1/4” x 1 1/2” 三通,减少 1 1/2” x 1 1/4” x 1 1/2”
14512 Sullair valve, thermal (IV) 阀门,热 (IV)
250018– 376 Sullair tube, 1 1/2” 管,1 1/2”
802515– 060 Sullair union, pipe 1 1/2” 活接头,管道 1 1/2”
822124– 025 Sullair nipple, pipe 1 1/2” x 2 1/2” 管接头,管 1 1/2” x 2 1/2”
807601– 010 Sullair bushing, reducing 3/8” x 1/4” 衬套,减少 3/8” x 1/4”
250018– 398 Sullair tube, 1” 管,1”
40680 Sullair cooler, fluid 冷却器,流体
250017– 234 Sullair bracket, water connector 支架,水连接器
43364 Sullair clamp, 5” 夹子,5”
250019– 027 Sullair bracket, cooler support 支架,冷却器支架
801515– 060 Sullair elbow, pipe 1 1/2” 弯头,管道 1 1/2”
822112– 025 Sullair nipple, pipe 3/4” x 2 1/2” 奶嘴,管道 3/4” x 2 1/2”
810512– 075 Sullair elbow, tube– m 3/4” x 3/4” 弯头,管子——m 3/4” x 3/4”
250018– 405 Sullair tube, 3/4” 管子,3/4”
47398 Sullair valve, water regulating 3/4” 阀门,水调节 3/4”
822212– 000 Sullair nipple, pipe 3/4” x close 奶嘴,管道 3/4” x 关闭
822124– 030 Sullair nipple, pipe 1 1/2” x 3” 乳头,管子 1 1/2” x 3”
801515– 030 Sullair elbow, pipe 3/4” 弯头,管道 3/4”
841215– 005 Sullair tube, 5/16” stainless steel 管,5/16” 不锈钢
802102– 015 Sullair bushing, reducing hex 1/2” x 3/8” 衬套,减少六角 1/2” x 3/8”
250038– 658 Sullair cooler, fluid and aftercooler assembly 冷却器、流体和后冷却器组件
810524– 150 Sullair elbow, tube– m 1 1/2” x 1 1/2” 弯头,管子——m 1 1/2” x 1 1/2”
250018– 259 Sullair tube, 1 1/2” 管,1 1/2”
810216– 100 Sullair connector, tube– m 1” x 1” 连接器,管子——m 1” x 1”
250039– 987 Sullair tube, 1” 管,1”
810516– 100 Sullair elbow, tube– m 1” x 1” 弯头,管子——m 1” x 1”
250038– 497 Sullair tube, 1” (12 Series 60HP) 管,1”(12 系列 60HP)
250032– 112 Sullair Stube, 1” (16 Series (60 and 75HP) 管,1”(16 系列(60 和 75HP)
16741 Sullair valve, fluid stop (I) 阀,流体停止 (I)
810505– 025 Sullair elbow, tube– m 5/16” x 1/4” 弯头,管子——m 5/16” x 1/4”
841015– 004 Sullair tubing, 1/4” 油管,1/4”
822216– 000 Sullair nipple, pipe 1” x close 奶嘴,管道 1” x 关闭
841215– 005 Sullair tubing, 5/16” stainless steel 管道,5/16” 不锈钢
810220– 125 Sullair connector, tube– m 1 1/4” x 1 1/4” 连接器,管子——m 1 1/4” x 1 1/4”
802105– 040 Sullair bushing, reducing 1 1/4” x 1” 衬套,减少 1 1/4” x 1”
810204– 025 Sullair connector, tube– m 1/4” 连接器,管子——m 1/4”
250025– 522 Sullair filter, fluid (II) 过滤器,流体 (II)
250018– 246 Sullair tube, 1 1/4” (12 Series 60HP) 管,1 1/4”(12 系列 60HP)
250018– 255 Sullair Stube, 1 1/4” (16 Series (60 and 75HP) 管,1 1/4”(16 系列(60 和 75HP)
837508– 125 Sullair washer, springlock 1/2” 垫圈,弹簧锁 1/2”
802206– 054 Sullair tee, reducing 1 1/2” x 1 1/4” x 1” 三通,减少 1 1/2” x 1 1/4” x 1”
822224– 000 Sullair nipple, pipe 1 1/2” x close 乳头,管道 1 1/2” x 关闭
14512 Sullair valve, thermal (III) 阀门,热力 (III)
802106– 040 Sullair bushing, hex 1 1/2” x 1” 衬套,六角 1 1/2” x 1”
810224– 150 Sullair connector, tube– m 1 1/2” x 1 1/2” 连接器,管子——m 1 1/2” x 1 1/2”
250018– 376 Sullair tube, 1 1/2” 管,1 1/2”
802206– 026 Sullair tee, reducing 1 1/2” x 1/2” x 1 1/2” 三通,减少 1 1/2” x 1/2” x 1 1/2”
822108– 040 Sullair nipple, pipe 1/2” x 4” 奶嘴,管道 1/2” x 4”
41007 Sullair valve, globe 1/2” 阀门,球形 1/2
828608– 150 Sullair capscrew, hex 1/2”– 13 x 1 1/2” 六角螺钉 1/2”– 13 x 1 1/2”
837208– 112 Sullair washer, pl — b regular unfinished 1/2” 垫圈,pl — b 普通未完成 1/2”
250017– 233 Sullair bracket, air connector and condenser drain 支架、空气接头和冷凝器排水管
801515– 060 Sullair elbow, pipe 90_ 1 1/2” 弯头,管道 90_ 1 1/2”
801215– 030 Sullair coupling, pipe 3/4” 联轴器,管道 3/4”
250018– 260 Sullair tube, separator air connector 1 1/2” 管,分离器空气接头 1 1/2”
250018– 041 Sullair separator, combination trap (IV) 分离器、组合捕集器 (IV)
829008– 500 Sullair u — bolt, 1/2” x 5” u — 螺栓,1/2” x 5”
250018– 160 Sullair support, moisture separator and trap 支架、水分分离器和捕集器
250018– 254 Sullair tube, 1” 管,1”
250018– 375 Sullair tube, 1 1/2” 管,1 1/2”
822112– 025 Sullair nipple, pipe 3/4” x 2 1/2” 奶嘴,管道 3/4” x 2 1/2”
807800– 020 Sullair plug, pipe 1/2” 塞子,管道 1/2”
802103– 020 Sullair bushing, reducing 3/4” x 1/2” 衬套,减少 3/4” x 1/2”
813606– 375 Sullair connector, tube straight 1/2”mnpt x 3/8” reducing 连接器,直管 1/2”mnpt x 3/8” 变径
250024– 746 Sullair tubing, thermoplastic 3/8”od 管材,热塑性塑料 3/8”od
813706– 375 Sullair connector, tube– el 1/2”mnpt x 3/8”t 连接器,管– el 1/2”mnpt x 3/8”t
250038– 658 Sullair cooler, fluid and aftercooler assembly 冷却器、流体和后冷却器组件
810224– 150 Sullair connector, tume– m 1 1/2” x 1 1/2” 连接器,tume– m 1 1/2” x 1 1/2”
250018– 259 Sullair tube, 1 1/2” 管,1 1/2”
801515– 060 Sullair elbow, pipe 90 ˚ 1 1/2” 弯头,管道 90 ˚ 1 1/2”
822224– 000 Sullair nipple, pipe 1 1/2” x close 乳头,管道 1 1/2” x 关闭
811615– 150 Sullair elbow, tube– m 1 1/2” x 1 1/2” 弯头,管子——m 1 1/2” x 1 1/2”
16741 Sullair valve, fluid stop (I) 阀,流体停止 (I)
810505– 025 Sullair elbow, tube– m 5/16” x 1/4” 弯头,管子——m 5/16” x 1/4”
841215– 005 Sullair tubing, 5/16” stainless steel 管道,5/16” 不锈钢
02250060– 824 Sullair tubing, 1 1/2” 管子,1 1/2”
810516– 100 Sullair elbow, tube– m 1” x 1” 弯头,管子——m 1” x 1”
250032– 112 Sullair tube, 1” 管,1”
822216– 000 Sullair nipple, pipe 1” x close 奶嘴,管道 1” x 关闭
802105– 040 Sullair bushing, reducing hex 1 1/4” x 1” 衬套,减少六角 1 1/4” x 1”
810204– 025 Sullair connector, tube– m 1/4” 连接器,管子——m 1/4”
841015– 004 Sullair tubing, 1/4” 油管,1/4”
250025– 522 Sullair filter, fluid (II) 过滤器,流体 (II)
810220– 125 Sullair connector, tube– m 1 1/4” x 1 1/4” 连接器,管子——m 1 1/4” x 1 1/4”
02250045– 595 Sullair tuibe, 1 1/4” 管子,1 1/4”
801606– 050 Sullair elbow, pipe 90 ˚ 1 1/2” x 1 1/4” 弯头,管道 90 ˚ 1 1/2” x 1 1/4”
802415– 060 Sullair tee, pipe 1/2” 三通,管道 1/2”
822124– 085 Sullair nipple, pipe 1 1/2” x 8 1/2” 乳头,管子 1 1/2” x 8 1/2”
14512 Sullair valve, thermal (III) 阀门,热力 (III)
250018– 376 Sullair tube, 1 1/2” 管,1 1/2”
802206– 026 Sullair tee, reducing 1 1/2” x 1/2” x 1 1/2” 三通,减少 1 1/2” x 1/2” x 1 1/2”
807800– 020 Sullair pipe, plug 1/2” 管子,塞子 1/2”
41007 Sullair valve, globe 1/2” 阀门,球形 1/2”
822108– 040 Sullair pipe, nipple 1 /2” x 4” 管子,接头 1 /2” x 4”
02250060– 826 Sullair tube, 1 1/2” 管,1 1/2”
837208– 112 Sullair washer, reg unfinished 1/2” 垫圈,未完成 1/2”
828608– 150 Sullair capscrew, hex 1/2”– 13 x 1 1/2” 六角螺钉 1/2”– 13 x 1 1/2”
250017– 233 Sullair bracket, air connector & condenser drain 支架、空气接头和冷凝器排水管
02250045– 594 Sullair tube, 1 1/2” 管,1 1/2”
802103– 020 Sullair bushing, reducing 3/4” x 1/2” 衬套,减少 3/4” x 1/2”
813706– 375 Sullair connector, tube elbow 1/2” mnpt x 3/8”t 连接器,管弯头 1/2” mnpt x 3/8”t
250024– 746 Sullair tubing, thermoplastic 3/8” 管材,热塑性塑料 3/8”
813606– 375 Sullair conntector, tube straight 1/2” mnpt x 3/8”t 连接器,直管 1/2” mnpt x 3/8”t
822112– 025 Sullair coupling, pipe 3/4” 联轴器,管道 3/4”
822112– 025 Sullair nipple, pipe 3/4” x 2 1/2” 奶嘴,管道 3/4” x 2 1/2”
250018– 041 Sullair separator, combination trap (IV) 分离器、组合捕集器 (IV)
829008– 500 Sullair u — bolt, 1/2” x 5” u — 螺栓,1/2” x 5”
250018– 160 Sullair support, moisture separator and trap 支架、水分分离器和捕集器
837508– 125 Sullair washer, springlock 1/2” 垫圈,弹簧锁 1/2”
250018– 375 Sullair tube, 1 1/2” 管,1 1/2”
822124– 085 Sullair nipple, pipe 1 1/2” 奶嘴,管道 1 1/2”
810516– 100 Sullair elbow, tube– m 1” x 1” 弯头,管子——m 1” x 1”
250038– 497 Sullair tube, 1” (12 Series 60HP) 管,1”(12 系列 60HP)
250032– 112 Sullair Stube, 1” (16 Series 60 and 75HP) 管,1”(16 系列 60 和 75HP)
16741 Sullair valve, fluid stop (I) 阀,流体停止 (I)
810504– 025 Sullair elbow, tube– m 1/4” x 1/4” 弯头,管子——m 1/4” x 1/4”
841015– 004 Sullair tube, 1/4” 管,1/4”
822216– 000 Sullair nipple, pipe 1” x close 奶嘴,管道 1” x 关闭
841215– 005 Sullair tube, 5/16” ss 管,5/16” 不锈钢
810220– 125 Sullair connector, tube– m 1 1/4” x 1 1/4” 连接器,管子——m 1 1/4” x 1 1/4”
802105– 040 Sullair bushing, reducing 1 1/4” x 1 衬套,减少 1 1/4” x 1
250025– 522 Sullair filter, fluid (II) 过滤器,流体 (II)
810204– 025 Sullair connector,tube– m 1/4” 连接器,管子– m 1/4”
810524– 150 Sullair elbow, tube– m 1 1/2” x 1 1/2” 弯头,管子——m 1 1/2” x 1 1/2”
250018– 400 Sullair tube, 1 1/2” 管,1 1/2”
807800– 020 Sullair plug, pipe 1/2” 塞子,管道 1/2”
41007 Sullair valve, globe 1/2” 阀门,球形 1/2”
822108– 040 Sullair nipple, pipe 1/2” x 4” 奶嘴,管道 1/2” x 4”
822224– 000 Sullair nipple, pipe 1 1/2” x close 乳头,管道 1 1/2” x 关闭
802206– 026 Sullair tee, reducing 1 1/2” x 1/2” x 1 1/2” 三通,减少 1 1/2” x 1/2” x 1 1/2”
810224– 150 Sullair (12 Series (60HP) (12系列(60HP)
810224– 150 Sullair Sconnector, tube– m 1 1/2” x 1 1/2″ (16 Series 60 and 75HP) 连接器,管 – m 1 1/2” x 1 1/2”(16 系列 60 和 75HP)
250018– 376 Sullair tube, 1 1/2” 管,1 1/2”
250018– 246 Sullair tube, 1 1/4” (12 Series 60HP) 管,1 1/4”(12 系列 60HP)
250018– 255 Sullair Stube, 1 1/4” (16 Series 60 and 75HP) 管,1 1/4”(16 系列 60 和 75HP)
801515– 060 Sullair elbow, pipe 1 1/2” (12 Series 60HP) 弯头,管道 1 1/2”(12 系列 60HP)
801515– 060 Sullair Selbow, pipe 1 1/2” (16 Series 60 and 75HP) 弯头,管道 1 1/2”(16 系列 60 和 75HP)
250018– 375 Sullair tube, 1 1/2” 管,1 1/2”
829008– 500 Sullair u — bolt, 1/2” x 5”pipe u — 螺栓,1/2” x 5”管
250018– 041 Sullair separator, combination trap (III) 分离器,组合捕集器 (III)
250018– 260 Sullair tube, 1 1/2” 管,1 1/2”
250017– 234 Sullair bracket, water connector 3/4” npt 支架,水连接器 3/4” npt
822112– 070 Sullair nipple, pipe 3/4” x 7” 奶嘴,管道 3/4” x 7”
250017– 233 Sullair bracket, air connector and condenser drain 支架、空气接头和冷凝器排水管
822112– 025 Sullair nipple, pipe 3/4” x 2 1/2” 奶嘴,管道 3/4” x 2 1/2”
801215– 030 Sullair coupling, pipe 3/4” 联轴器,管道 3/4”
802103– 200 Sullair bushing, reducing 3/4” x 1/2” 衬套,减少 3/4” x 1/2”
250024– 692 Sullair connector, tube straight 1/2” mnpt x 3/8” t reducing 连接器,直管 1/2” mnpt x 3/8” t 变径
250024– 746 Sullair tubing, thermoplastic 3/8”od 管材,热塑性塑料 3/8”od
813706– 375 Sullair connector, tube– el 1/2” mnpt x 3/8” t 管接头——el 1/2” mnpt x 3/8” t
250018– 160 Sullair support, moisture separator and trap 支架、水分分离器和捕集器
828608– 150 Sullair capscrew, 1/2” x 1 1/2” gr5 有头螺钉,1/2” x 1 1/2” gr5
837508– 125 Sullair washer, springlock regular 1/2” 垫圈,弹簧锁常规 1/2”
40680 Sullair aftercooler 后冷却器
822124– 025 Sullair nipple, pipe 1 1/2” x 21/2” 奶嘴,管道 1 1/2” x 21/2”
838206– 071 Sullair washer, regular 3/8” 垫圈,常规 3/8”
828606– 125 Sullair capscrew, hex head 3/8”– 16 x 1 1/4” 有头螺钉,六角头 3/8”– 16 x 1 1/4”
802104– 030 Sullair bushing, reducing hex 1” x 3/4” 衬套,减少六角 1” x 3/4”
822112– 060 Sullair nipple, pipe 3/4” x 6” 奶嘴,管道 3/4” x 6”
810212– 075 Sullair connector, tube– m 3/4” 连接器,管子——m 3/4”
250018– 408 Sullair tube, 3/4” 管子,3/4”
837506– 094 Sullair washer, springlock regular 3/8” 垫圈,弹簧锁常规 3/8”
825006– 337 Sullair nut, hex 3/8”– 16 螺母,六角 3/8”– 16
802106– 040 Sullair bushing, reducing hex 1 1/2” x 1” 衬套,减少六角 1 1/2” x 1”
802206– 054 Sullair tee, reducing 1 1/2” x 1 1/4” x 1” 三通,减少 1 1/2” x 1 1/4” x 1”
14512 Sullair valve, thermal (IV) 阀门,热 (IV)
802515– 060 Sullair union, pipe 1 1/2” 活接头,管道 1 1/2”
801515– 030 Sullair elbow, pipe 3/4” 弯头,管道 3/4”
807601– 010 Sullair bushing, reducing 3/8” x 1/4” 衬套,减少 3/8” x 1/4”
41015 Sullair cooler, fluid 冷却器,流体
43364 Sullair clamp, 5” 夹子,5”
250017– 977 Sullair support, starter box — right hand 支持,启动盒 – 右手
822220– 000 Sullair nipple, pipe xs 1 1/4” x close 奶嘴,管道 xs 1 1/4” x 关闭
801606– 050 Sullair elbow, reducing 1 1/2” x 1 1/4” 弯头,减小 1 1/2” x 1 1/4”
810216– 100 Sullair connector, tube– m 1” x 1” 连接器,管子——m 1” x 1”
250018– 399 Sullair tube, 1” 管,1”
250017– 978 Sullair support, starter box — left hand 支持,启动盒 – 左手
250018– 404 Sullair tube, 3/4” 管子,3/4”
250019– 027 Sullair bracket, cooler 6” 支架,冷却器 6”
810512– 075 Sullair elbow, tube– m 3/4” x 3/4” 弯头,管子——m 3/4” x 3/4”
250018– 406 Sullair tube, 3/4” 管子,3/4”
47398 Sullair valve, water regulating 3/4” 阀门,水调节 3/4”
822212– 000 Sullair nipple, pipe 3/4” x close 奶嘴,管道 3/4” x 关闭
802515– 030 Sullair union, pipe 3/4” 活接头,管道 3/4”
822124– 030 Sullair nipple, pipe 1 1/2” x 3” 乳头,管子 1 1/2” x 3”
810505– 025 Sullair elbow, tube– m 5/16” x 1/4” 弯头,管子——m 5/16” x 1/4”
810516– 100 Sullair elbow, tube– m 1” x 1” 弯头,管子——m 1” x 1”
02250046– 592 Sullair tube, 1” 管,1”
16741 Sullair valve, fluid stop (I) 阀,流体停止 (I)
810504– 025 Sullair elbow, tube– m 1/4” x 1/4” 弯头,管子——m 1/4” x 1/4”
841015– 004 Sullair tube, 1/4” 管,1/4”
822216– 000 Sullair nipple, pipe 1” x close 奶嘴,管道 1” x 关闭
841215– 005 Sullair tube, 5/16” ss 管,5/16” 不锈钢
810220– 125 Sullair connector, tube– m 1 1/4” x 1 1/4” 连接器,管子——m 1 1/4” x 1 1/4”
802105– 040 Sullair bushing, reducing 1 1/4” x 1 衬套,减少 1 1/4” x 1
250025– 522 Sullair filter, fluid (II) 过滤器,流体 (II)
810204– 025 Sullair connector, tube– m 1/4” 连接器,管子——m 1/4”
810532– 200 Sullair elbow, tube– m 2” x 2” 弯头,管子——m 2” x 2”
02250046– 584 Sullair tube, 2” 管,2”
807800– 020 Sullair plug, pipe 1/2” 塞子,管道 1/2”
41007 Sullair valve, globe 阀门,球体
822108– 040 Sullair nipple, pipe 1/2” x 4” 奶嘴,管道 1/2” x 4”
822224– 000 Sullair nipple, pipe 1 1/2” x close 乳头,管道 1 1/2” x 关闭
802206– 068 Sullair tee, reducing 1 1/2” x 1 1/2” x 2” 三通,减少 1 1/2” x 1 1/2” x 2”
810224– 150 Sullair connector, tube– m 1 1/2” x 1 1/2” 连接器,管子——m 1 1/2” x 1 1/2”
02250046– 590 Sullair tube, 1 1/2” 管,1 1/2”
02250045– 595 Sullair tube, 1 1/4” 管,1 1/4”
801515– 080 Sullair elbow, pipe 2” 弯头,管道 2”
02250046– 585 Sullair tube, 2” 管,2”
829008– 600 Sullair u — bolt, 1/2” x 6” pipe u — 螺栓,1/2” x 6” 管
410143 Sullair separator, combination trap 分离器,组合捕集器
02250045– 594 Sullair tube, 2” 管,2”
02250046– 573 Sullair bracket, water connector 1” npt 支架,水连接器 1” npt
822116– 070 Sullair nipple, pipe 1” x 7” 奶嘴,管道 1” x 7”
02250045– 613 Sullair drain 流走
822112– 025 Sullair nipple, pipe 3/4” x 2 1/2” 奶嘴,管道 3/4” x 2 1/2”
801215– 030 Sullair coupling, pipe 3/4” 联轴器,管道 3/4”
802103– 200 Sullair connector, tube straight 连接器,直管
250024– 692 Sullair 1/2” mnpt x 3/8” t reducing 1/2” mnpt x 3/8” t 减少
250024– 746 Sullair tubing, thermoplastic 3/8”od 管材,热塑性塑料 3/8”od
813706– 375 Sullair connector, tube– el 1/2” mnpt x 3/8” t 管接头——el 1/2” mnpt x 3/8” t
250018– 160 Sullair support, moisture separator and trap 支架、水分分离器和捕集器
828608– 150 Sullair capscrew, 1/2” x 1 1/2” gr5 有头螺钉,1/2” x 1 1/2” gr5
837508– 125 Sullair washer, springlock regular 1/2” 垫圈,弹簧锁常规 1/2”
40680 Sullair aftercooler 后冷却器
822124– 025 Sullair nipple, pipe 1 1/2” x 2 1/2” 管接头,管 1 1/2” x 2 1/2”
838206– 071 Sullair washer, regular 3/8” 垫圈,常规 3/8”
828606– 125 Sullair capscrew, hex head 3/8”– 16 x 1 1/4” 有头螺钉,六角头 3/8”– 16 x 1 1/4”
802106– 040 Sullair bushing, reducing hex 1 1/2” x 1” 衬套,减少六角 1 1/2” x 1”
822116– 065 Sullair nipple, pipe 1” x 61/2” 奶嘴,管道 1” x 61/2”
810216– 100 Sullair connector, tube– m 1” x 1” 连接器,管子——m 1” x 1”
02250046– 581 Sullair tube, 1” 管,1”
837506– 094 Sullair washer, springlock regular 3/8” 垫圈,弹簧锁常规 3/8”
825006– 337 Sullair nut, hex 3/8”– 16 螺母,六角 3/8”– 16
802108– 050 Sullair bushing, reducing hex 2” x 1 1/4” 衬套,减少六角 2” x 1 1/4”
802206– 065 Sullair tee, reducing 1 1/2” x 1 1/2” x 1 1/4” 三通,减少 1 1/2” x 1 1/2” x 1 1/4”
14512 Sullair valve, thermal (III) 阀门,热力 (III)
802515– 060 Sullair union, pipe 1 1/2” 活接头,管道 1 1/2”
801515– 040 Sullair elbow, pipe 1” 弯头,管道 1”
807601– 010 Sullair bushing, reducing 3/8” x 1/4” 衬套,减少 3/8” x 1/4”
250018– 411 Sullair cooler, fluid 冷却器,流体
802105– 040 Sullair bushing, reducing hex 1 1/4” x 1” 衬套,减少六角 1 1/4” x 1”
02250046– 739 Sullair support, starter box — right hand 支持,启动盒 – 右手
822124– 060 Sullair nipple, pipe 1 1/2” x 6” 乳头,管道 1 1/2” x 6”
801606– 050 Sullair elbow, reducing 1 1/2” x 1 1/4” 弯头,减小 1 1/2” x 1 1/4”
801515– 050 Sullair elbow, pipe 1 1/4” 弯头,管道 1 1/4”
02250046– 583 Sullair tube, 1 1/4” 管,1 1/4”
02250046– 741 Sullair support, starter box — left hand 支持,启动盒 – 左手
02250046– 582 Sullair tube, 1” 管,1”
250019– 027 Sullair bracket, cooler 6” 支架,冷却器 6”
822120– 030 Sullair nipple, pipe 1 1/4” x 3” 管接头,管 1 1/4” x 3”
02250046– 581 Sullair tube, 1” 管,1”
49474 Sullair valve, water regulating 1 1/4” 阀门,水调节 1 1/4”
822216– 000 Sullair nipple, pipe 1” x close 奶嘴,管道 1” x 关闭
802515– 040 Sullair union, pipe 1” 活接头,管道 1”
822124– 050 Sullair nipple, pipe 1 1/2” x 5” 接头,管子 1 1/2” x 5”
810505– 025 Sullair elbow, tube– m 5/16” x 1/4” 弯头,管子——m 5/16” x 1/4”
822232– 000 Sullair nipple, pipe xs 2” x close 奶嘴,管道 xs 2” x 关闭
802106– 020 Sullair bushing, reducing hex 1 1/2” x 1/2” 衬套,减少六角 1 1/2” x 1/2”
810232– 200 Sullair connector, tube– m 2” x 2” 连接器,管子——m 2” x 2”
801608– 060 Sullair elbow, reducing 2” x 1 1/2” 弯头,减少 2” x 1 1/2”
823104– 020 Sullair nipple, pipe 1/4” x 2” (12 Series) 螺纹接头,管道 1/4” x 2”(12 系列)
823104– 015 Sullair Snipple, pipe 1/4” x 1 1/2” (16 Series) 管接头,1/4” x 1 1/2”(16 系列)
1/4” Sullair elbow, pipe 90_ 弯头,管道 90_
823204– 000 Sullair nipple, pipe xs 1/4” x close 奶嘴,管道 xs 1/4” x 关闭
804415– 010 Sullair tee, pipe galvanized 1/4” 三通,镀锌管 1/4”
40381 Sullair orifice, secondary 1/32” 孔口,次级 1/32”
22033 Sullair orifice, primary 3/32” 孔口,初级 3/32”
241771 Sullair strainer, v– type (I) 过滤器,V-型 (I)
46559 Sullair glass, sight 玻璃, 视线
810204– 025 Sullair connector, tube 1/4” x 1/4” 连接器,管 1/4” x 1/4”
841015– 004 Sullair tube, 1/4” 管,1/4”
233615 Sullair spring, discharge valve 弹簧,排放阀
13549 Sullair disc, discharge valve 圆盘,排放阀
248344 Sullair valve, relief 175 psig (12.1 bar) 泄压阀 175 psig (12.1 bar)
837510– 156 Sullair washer, springlock regular 5/8” 垫圈,弹簧锁常规 5/8”
828210– 200 Sullair capscrew, hex 5/8”– 11 x 2” gr8 六角螺钉 5/8”– 11 x 2” gr8
241581 Sullair (12 Series) (II) (十二辑)(二)
250016– 618 Sullair Svalve, minimum pressure/check(16 Series) (III) 阀,最小压力/单向阀(16 系列) (III)
822220– 000 Sullair nipple, pipe xs 1 1/4” x close (12 Series) 奶嘴,管道 xs 1 1/4” x close(12 系列)
822224– 000 Sullair Snipple pipe xs 1 1/2” x close (16 Series) 喷嘴管 xs 1 1/2” x 关闭(16 系列)
802106– 050 Sullair bushing, reducing hex 1 1/2” x 1 1/4” (12 Series only) 衬套,变径六角 1 1/2” x 1 1/4”(仅限 12 系列)
810504– 025 Sullair elbow, tube– m 1/4” x 1/4” 弯头,管子——m 1/4” x 1/4”
802106– 010 Sullair bushing, reducing hex 1 1/2” x 1/4” 衬套,减少六角 1 1/2” x 1/4”
801315– 060 Sullair cross, pipe 1 1/2” 十字,管道 1 1/2”
822224– 000 Sullair nipple, pipe 1 1/2” x close 乳头,管道 1 1/2” x 关闭
802106– 020 Sullair bushing, reducing hex 1 1/2” x 1/2” 衬套,减少六角 1 1/2” x 1/2”
822208– 000 Sullair nipple, pipe 1/2” x close 奶嘴,管道 1/2” x 关闭
801515– 020 Sullair elbow, pipe 90_ 1/2” 弯头,管道 90_ 1/2”
822108– 070 Sullair nipple, pipe 1/2” x 7” 奶嘴,管道 1/2” x 7”
250030– 276 Sullair valve, blowdown 1/2” npt (IV) 阀门,排污 1/2” npt (IV)
802102– 010 Sullair bushing, reducing 1/2” x 1/4” 衬套,减少 1/2” x 1/4”
234125– 156 Sullair orifice, 1/2”m x 1/2”f x .156 孔口,1/2”m x 1/2”f x .156
41006 Sullair silencer, air 1/2” 消音器,空气 1/2”
46558 Sullair gauge, fluid level without ball check 仪表,液位,无球检查
40029 Sullair plug, o– ring boss sae 1 1/4” 插头,O– 环凸台 sae 1 1/4”
20044 Sullair adapter, filler 适配器,填充物
801515– 060 Sullair elbow, pipe 1 1/2” 弯头,管道 1 1/2”
250015– 284 Sullair tank, receiver separator 罐,接收器分离器
250034– 115 Sullair element, separator (primary) (V) 元素,分隔符(主要)(V)
828608– 150 Sullair capscrew,1/2 hex ”– 13 x 1 1/2” 有头螺钉,1/2 六角“– 13 x 1 1/2”
837508– 125 Sullair washer, springlock regular 1/2 ” 垫圈,弹簧锁常规 1/2”
810904– 025 Sullair tee, tube– m 1/4” x 1/4” 三通,管子——m 1/4” x 1/4”
828406– 100 Sullair capscrew, ferry 3/8” — 16 x 1” 有头螺钉,渡轮 3/8” — 16 x 1”
822840– 030 Sullair nipple, half 2 1/2” x 3” 奶嘴,半 2 1/2” x 3”
40648 Sullair coupling, flexible 21/2” (STD) (VI) 联轴器,弹性 21/2” (STD) (VI)
250007– 563 Sullair Scoupling, flexible 2 1/2” (KT) (VII) Scoupling,灵活的 2 1/2” (KT) (VII)
822840– 040 Sullair nipple, half 2 1/2” x 4” 奶嘴,半 2 1/2” x 4”
802210– 020 Sullair tee, reducing 2 1/2” x 1/2” x 2 1/2” (12 Series) 三通,异径 2 1/2” x 1/2” x 2 1/2”(12 系列)
802210– 020 Sullair Stee, reducing 2 1/2” x 1/2” x 2 1/2” (16 Series) Stee,减少 2 1/2” x 1/2” x 2 1/2”(16 系列)
42582 Sullair gauge, temperature 2” 仪表,温度 2″
20169 Sullair connector, flex 1/4”t x 1/4”p 连接器,弯曲 1/4”t x 1/4”p
822140– 060 Sullair nipple, pipe 2 1/2” x 6” (12 Series) 接头,管道 2 1/2” x 6”(12 系列)
822140– 055 Sullair Snipple, pipe 2 1/2” x 5 1/2” (16 Series) 接头,管道 2 1/2” x 5 1/2”(16 系列)
40588 Sullair switch, temperature 240_F nc 开关,温度 240_F nc
250007– 179 Sullair coupling, conduit rigid 1/2” 耦合,导管刚性 1/2”
846600– 050 Sullair elbow, 90_ lg– tite 1/2” 弯头,90_ lg– tite 1/2”
846315– 050 Sullair conduit, csa flex 1/2” 导管,CSA flex 1/2”
250042– 861 Sullair element, separator (secondary) (VIII) 元素,分隔符(二级)(八)
837208– 112 Sullair washer, pl — b regular unfinished 1/2” 垫圈,pl — b 普通未完成 1/2”
822124– 030 Sullair nipple, pipe 1 1/2” x 3” 乳头,管子 1 1/2” x 3”
828406– 325 Sullair capscrew, ferry 3/8”– 16 x 3 1/4” 有头螺钉,渡轮 3/8”– 16 x 3 1/4”
12883 Sullair adapter, discharge (12 Series only) 适配器,放电(仅限 12 系列)
40541 Sullair gasket, discharge valve (12 Series only) 垫圈,排放阀(仅限 12 系列)
13605 Sullair (12 Series only) (仅限 12 系列)
807800– 020 Sullair plug, pipe 1/2” 塞子,管道 1/2”
250026– 010 Sullair control, Sullicon (12 Series) (I) 控制,苏利康 (12 系列) (I)
250026– 011 Sullair Scontrol, Sullicon (12 Series) (I) Scontrol, Sullicon (12 系列) (I)
828606– 200 Sullair capscrew, hex 3/8”– 16 x 2” gr5 六角螺钉 3/8”– 16 x 2” gr5
824206– 337 Sullair nut, hex 3/8”– 16 螺母,六角 3/8”– 16
837506– 094 Sullair washer, springlock regular 3/8” 垫圈,弹簧锁常规 3/8”
20864 Sullair bracket, cont. stop 括号,续停止
824705– 195 Sullair nut, hex jam — left hand 5/16” 螺母,六角堵塞——左手 5/16”
11084 Sullair lever, control 杠杆, 控制
828405– 150 Sullair capscrew, ferry head 5/16” x 1 1/2” 有头螺钉,渡口 5/16” x 1 1/2”
824205– 273 Sullair nut, hex 5/16”– 18 六角螺母 5/16”– 18
40136 Sullair rod end, spherical 5/16” — right hand 杆端,球形 5/16”——右手
824605– 195 Sullair nut, hex jam unfinished 5/16”– 24 — right hand 螺母,六角堵塞未完成 5/16”– 24 — 右手
250002– 552 Sullair rod end (12 Series) 杆端轴承(12 系列)
20685 Sullair Srod end (16 Series) 杆端(16 系列)
42004 Sullair rod end, spherical 5/16” — left hand 杆端,球形 5/16”——左手
40138 Sullair yoke, rod end 1/4”– 28 轭,杆端 1/4”– 28
40065 Sullair pin, yoke 1/4” 销,轭 1/4”
20094 Sullair plunger 柱塞
42538 Sullair seal, cup 密封,杯子
831105– 200 Sullair screw, machine hex head 5/16”– 24 x 2” 螺钉,机六角头 5/16”– 24 x 2”
824605– 195 Sullair nut, hex jam unfinished 5/16”– 24 — right hand 螺母,六角堵塞未完成 5/16”– 24 — 右手
825506– 166 Sullair nut, hex locking plated 3/8”– 16 螺母,六角锁紧镀 3/8”– 16
830506– 200 Sullair screw, machine shoulder 3/8” x 2” 螺钉,机肩 3/8” x 2”
21635 Sullair body, control 身体,控制
250020– 028 Sullair diaphragm, Sullicon 隔膜,沙利康
823204– 015 Sullair (12 Series only) (仅限 12 系列)
823204– 000 Sullair (16 Series only) (仅限 16 系列)
21172 Sullair washer, backup 垫圈,备用
41264 Sullair screw, sealing 1/4”– 28 x 3/4” nf 螺丝,密封 1/4”– 28 x 3/4” nf
250006– 526 Sullair spring, control light 弹簧,控制灯
250009– 134 Sullair bolt, adjusting Sullicon spring 螺栓,调节 Sulicon 弹簧
21654 Sullair cover, control 覆盖,控制
829004– 075 Sullair u — bolt, 1/2” x 3/4” pipe u — 螺栓,1/2” x 3/4” 管
824206– 337 Sullair nut, hex unfinished 3/8”– 16 螺母,六角未加工 3/8”– 16
828605– 250 Sullair capscrew, hex 5/16”– 18 x 2 1/2” gr5 六角螺钉 5/16”– 18 x 2 1/2” gr5
250039– 115 Sullair bracket, (12 Series only) 支架,(仅限 12 系列)
250039– 114 Sullair Sbracket, (16 Series only) 支架,(仅限 16 系列)
828606– 250 Sullair capscrew, hex 3/8”– 16 x 2 1/2” gr5 六角螺钉 3/8”– 16 x 2 1/2” gr5
223681 Sullair bracket, control (12 Series only) 支架,控制(仅限 12 系列)
827101– 075 Sullair pin, cotter 1/16” x 3/4” 销,开口 1/16” x 3/4”
841015– 004 Sullair tubing, 1/4” 油管,1/4”
804415– 010 Sullair tee, pipe galvanized 1/4” 三通,镀锌管 1/4”
41111 Sullair valve, drain self– close 1/8”npt 阀门,排水自闭 1/8”npt
807800– 010 Sullair plug, pipe 1/4” 塞子,管道 1/4”
810204– 025 Sullair connector, tube– m 1/4” x 1/4” (12 Series) 连接器,管子——m 1/4” x 1/4”(12 系列)
234217 Sullair bracket, control (16 Series only) 支架,控制(仅限 16 系列)
810504– 025 Sullair elbow, tube– m 1/4” x 1/4” (16 Series) 弯头,管子——m 1/4” x 1/4”(16 系列)
811104– 025 Sullair union, tube 1/4” x 1/4” 活接头,管 1/4” x 1/4”
835601– 050 Sullair screw, tc — f pan # 8 — 32 x 1/2” 螺丝,tc — f pan #8 — 32 x 1/2”
841015– 004 Sullair tubing,1/4” 油管,1/4”
810104– 012 Sullair connector, tube– f 1/4” x 1/8” 连接器,管子——f 1/4” x 1/8”
811004– 012 Sullair tee, tube– f1/4” x 1/8” 三通,管子——f1/4” x 1/8”
250025– 327 Sullair connector, tube– f 1/4” x 1/8” 连接器,管子——f 1/4” x 1/8”
02250044– 407 Sullair angle, instrument panel 角度,仪表板
842215– 004 Sullair hose, nylon1/4” 软管,尼龙 1/4”
250019– 481 Sullair panel, instrument 面板、仪表
02250051– 301 Sullair decal, instrument panel 贴花,仪表板
250003– 799 Sullair gauge, differential pressure 0 — 30 ps(0 — 2.1 bar) 表压,差压 0 — 30 ps(0 — 2.1 bar)
250003– 797 Sullair gauge, vacuum 0 — 30 water 表压,真空 0 — 30 水
250003– 798 Sullair gauge, differential pressure 0 — 15 psi(0 — 1 bar) 表压,差压 0 — 15 psi(0 — 1 bar)
250005– 185 Sullair gauge, pressure 2” diameter 表压,压力 2” 直径
42582 Sullair gauge, temperature 2” 仪表,温度 2″
250016– 351 Sullair switch, pushbutton START 开关,按钮 START
250016– 350 Sullair switch, pushbutton STOP 开关,按钮 STOP
250015– 471 Sullair panel, electrical 面板,电气
410353 Sullair gasket, hourmeter 垫片,计时器
250015– 715 Sullair hourmeter, 60 Hz 计时器,60 赫兹
250042– 010 Sullair Shourmeter, 50 Hz 小时计,50 赫兹
825304– 236 Sullair nut, hex washer 1/4” 螺母,六角垫圈 1/4”
02250051– 388 Sullair decal, electrical panel 贴花,电气面板
43383 Sullair holder, pilot lamp 灯座,指示灯
43385 Sullair Slens, green 透镜,绿色
43384 Sullair Slens, red 隐形眼镜,红色
47016 Sullair Slens, amber 透镜,琥珀色
43386 Sullair Sbulb, pilot lamp 灯泡、指示灯
02250044– 405 Sullair support, instrument panel 支架, 仪表板
829705– 075 Sullair screw, hex ser washer 5/16” x 3/4” 螺丝,六角垫圈 5/16” x 3/4”
829704– 075 Sullair screw, hex ser washer 1/4” x 3/4” 螺丝,六角垫圈 1/4” x 3/4”
825305– 283 Sullair nut, hex washer 5/16” 螺母,六角垫圈 5/16”
250016– 352 Sullair switch, sel 2 pos 开关,sel 2 位置
250038– 097 Sullair support, inst panel 支持,安装面板
848815– 050 Sullair bushing, conduit plastic 1/2” 套管,塑料导管 1/2”
847200– 050 Sullair locknut, conduit 1/2” 锁紧螺母,导管 1/2”
847815– 050 Sullair nipple, chase conduit 1/2” 乳头,追逐导管 1/2”
846915– 050 Sullair elbow, 90_ 1/2” 弯头,90_ 1/2”
40694 Sullair switch, pressure 0 — 150 # Ni 开关,压力 0 — 150 # Ni
829705– 075 Sullair capscrew, hex serrated washer 5/16” x 3/4” 有头螺钉,六角锯齿垫圈 5/16” x 3/4”
825801– 130 Sullair nut, hex plated # 10– 32 螺母,六角镀 # 10– 32
838502– 047 Sullair washer, springlock regular #10 垫圈,弹簧锁常规 #10
250018– 146 Sullair bracket, pressure switch support 支架,压力开关支架
831702– 050 Sullair screw, machine rd head #10– 32 x 1/2” 螺丝,机头 #10– 32 x 1/2”
841015– 004 Sullair tubing, 1/4” 油管,1/4”
810904– 025 Sullair tee, tube– m1/4” x 1/4” x 1/4” 三通,管子——m1/4” x 1/4” x 1/4”
804415– 010 Sullair tee, pipe galvanized 1/4” 三通,镀锌管 1/4”
250007– 169 Sullair nipple, conduit 1/2” x 1 1/2” 奶嘴,导管 1/2” x 1 1/2”
810204– 025 Sullair connector, tube– m 1/4” x 1/4” 连接器,管子——m 1/4” x 1/4”
49905 Sullair valve, check 1/4” 阀门,检查 1/4”
823204– 000 Sullair nipple, pipe galvanized xs 1/4” x close 螺纹接头,镀锌管 xs 1/4” x close
803515– 010 Sullair elbow, pipe galvanized 90_ 1/4” 弯头,镀锌管 90_ 1/4”
810504– 025 Sullair elbow, tube– m 1/4” x 1/4” 弯头,管子——m 1/4” x 1/4”
250038– 674 Sullair valve, solenoid 1/4” 3 — way 150 # (I) 电磁阀 1/4” 3 — 路 150 # (I)
241771 Sullair strainer, v— type (II) 过滤器,v— type (II)
406929 Sullair valve, differential pres regulator 1/4”npt (III) 阀,差压调节器 1/4”npt (III)
232874 Sullair orifice, pipe plug 1/4” 孔口,管塞 1/4”
810204– 012 Sullair connector, tube– m 1/4” x 1/8” 连接器,管子——m 1/4” x 1/8”
825305– 283 Sullair nut, hex flanged plated 5/16”– 18 螺母,六角法兰电镀 5/16”– 18
250017– 991 Sullair switch, high discharge pressure 135 psi nc 开关,高排放压力 135 psi nc
823104– 015 Sullair nipple, galvanized xs 1/4” x 1 1/2” 奶嘴,镀锌 xs 1/4” x 1 1/2”
250030– 037 Sullair bracket, valve support 支架,阀门支架
835601– 038 Sullair screw, pan hood # 8 — 32 x 3/8” 螺丝,锅罩 # 8 — 32 x 3/8”
838402– 025 Sullair washer, lock int tooth #10 垫圈,锁紧齿 #10
835602– 050 Sullair screw, self tap #10– 24 x 1/2” 螺丝,自攻 #10– 24 x 1/2”
250017– 978 Sullair support, starter — left hand 支持,启动器 – 左手
250017– 977 Sullair support, starter — right hand 支持,启动器 – 右手
250042– 243 Sullair bushing, snap 衬套,卡扣
250019– 557 Sullair gasket 垫片
250038– 564 Sullair MFV starter, assembly Size 3 N12 MFV 启动器,装配尺寸 3 N12
250038– 565 Sullair SMFV starter, assembly Size 4 N12 SMFV 启动器,装配尺寸 4 N12
250038– 566 Sullair SMFV starter, assembly Size 5 N12 SMFV 启动器,装配尺寸 5 N12
837206– 071 Sullair washer, plaint steel 3/8” 垫圈,普通钢 3/8”
828606– 125 Sullair capscrew, hex head 3/8”– 16 x 11/4” gr8 有头螺钉,六角头 3/8”– 16 x 11/4” gr8
828608– 150 Sullair capscrew, hex gr5 1/2”– 13 x 1 1/2” 六角螺钉 gr5 1/2”– 13 x 1 1/2”
824206– 337 Sullair nut, hex 3/8”– 16 螺母,六角 3/8”– 16
250041– 102 Sullair block, terminal 块,终端
250041– 103 Sullair Sblock, end adapter Sblock,末端适配器
846500– 050 Sullair elbow, 45_ conduit 弯头,45_ 导管
846315– 050 Sullair conduit, csa flex 1/2” 导管,CSA flex 1/2”
850604– 012 Sullair wire, neoprene so #12– 4 电线,氯丁橡胶所以 #12– 4
250018– 497 Sullair grip, cord for so 12/4 握把,绳索 12/4
847200– 050 Sullair locknut, conduit 1/2” 锁紧螺母,导管 1/2”
837506– 094 Sullair washer, springlock regular 3/8” 垫圈,弹簧锁常规 3/8”
848815– 150 Sullair bushing, 1 1/2” 衬套,1 1/2”
847200– 150 Sullair locknut, 1 1/2” 锁紧螺母,1 1/2”
Consult Factory Sullair fuse 保险丝
250014– 557 Sullair grip, cord for g– gc # 4 g–gc # 4 把手,绳索
250014– 559 Sullair Sgrip, cord for g– gc g–gc 的握把,绳索
250014– 306 Sullair cord, type g– gc # 4ga 线,类型 g– gc # 4ga
250014– 308 Sullair Scord, type g– gc # 2 ga 斯科德,类型 g– gc # 2 ga
837508– 125 Sullair washer, springlock 1/2” 垫圈,弹簧锁 1/2”
250026– 649 Sullair fuse, primary 208V (starter size 3) 保险丝,初级 208V(启动器尺寸 3)
250006– 652 Sullair Sfuse, primary 208V (starter size 4 & 5) Sfuse,初级 208V(启动器尺寸 4 和 5)
250026– 649 Sullair Sfuse, primary 230V (starter size 3) Sfuse,初级 230V(启动器尺寸 3)
250026– 651 Sullair Sfuse, primary 230V (starter size 4 & 5) Sfuse,初级 230V(启动器尺寸 4 和 5)
250026– 644 Sullair Sfuse, primary 460V (starter size 3) Sfuse,初级 460V(启动器尺寸 3)
250026– 648 Sullair Sfuse, primary 460V (starter size 4 & 5) Sfuse,初级 460V(启动器尺寸 4 和 5)
250026– 643 Sullair Sfuse, primary 575V (starter size 3) Sfuse,初级 575V(启动器尺寸 3)
250026– 646 Sullair Sfuse, primary 575V (starter size 4 & 5) Sfuse,初级 575V(启动器尺寸 4 和 5)
250026– 644 Sullair Sfuse, secondary 115V (starter size 3) Sfuse,次级 115V(启动器尺寸 3)
250026– 650 Sullair Sfuse, secondary 115V (starter size 4 & 5) Sfuse,次级 115V(启动器尺寸 4 和 5)
250040– 184 Sullair transformer, 240/480– 120V (starter size 3) 变压器,240/480– 120V(启动器尺寸 3)
250018– 647 Sullair panel, enclosure end (water — cooled) 面板,外壳端(水冷)
250018– 296 Sullair Sgrille, cooler (60 and 75HP) Sgrille,冷却器(60 和 75HP)
250018– 291 Sullair angle, seal (40 and 50HP) 角钢,密封(40 和 50HP)
250018– 106 Sullair Sangle, seal (60 and 75HP) Sangle,密封件(60 和 75HP)
02250060– 870 Sullair Sangle, seal (100HP) Sangle, 密封 (100HP)
250018– 291 Sullair angle, seal (40 and 50HP) 角钢,密封(40 和 50HP)
250034– 881 Sullair Sangle, seal (60 and 75HP Sangle,密封件(60 和 75HP
02250060– 871 Sullair Sangle, seal (100HP) Sangle, 密封 (100HP)
Sullair screw, hex serrated washer 5/16”– 18 螺钉,六角锯齿垫圈 5/16”– 18
829705– 075 Sullair (water — cooled) (水冷)
Sullair Sscrew, hex serrated washer 5/16”– 18 螺钉,六角锯齿垫圈 5/16”– 18
829705– 075 Sullair (air — cooled) (空气——冷却)
43194 Sullair clamp, wire (air — cooled) 夹子,电线(空气-冷却)
250018– 268 Sullair frame, roof (40 and 50HP) 车架、车顶(40 和 50HP)
250017– 865 Sullair Sframe, roof (60 and 75HP) 框架,车顶(60 和 75HP)
02250043– 154 Sullair Sframe, roof (100HP) 框架,屋顶(100HP)
250017– 309 Sullair panel, access roof 面板,检修屋顶
250020– 012 Sullair panel, fiberglass roof 面板, 玻璃纤维屋顶
825305– 283 Sullair nut, hex flange 5/16” (air — cooled) 螺母,六角法兰 5/16”(风冷)
825305– 283 Sullair Snut, hex flange 5/16” (water — cooled) 螺母,六角法兰 5/16”(水冷)
850604– 016 Sullair wire, neoprene #16– 4 电线,氯丁橡胶 #16– 4
861505– 140 Sullair nut, retainer 5/16”– 18 螺母,保持器 5/16”– 18
250018– 609 Sullair panel, corner — right hand 面板,角落 – 右手
250017– 311 Sullair panel, front side 面板,正面
49764 Sullair latch, adjustable trigger lock 闩锁,可调扳机锁
250017– 312 Sullair panel, back side 面板,背面
837504– 062 Sullair washer, springlock 1/4” 垫圈,弹簧锁 1/4”
824204– 226 Sullair nut, hex1/4” 螺母,六角 1/4”
250018– 667 Sullair grille, enclosure end (air — cooled) 格栅,外壳端(风冷)
250018– 610 Sullair panel, corner — left hand 面板,角落——左手
825305– 283 Sullair nut, hex flanged 5/16” (water — cooled) 螺母,六角法兰 5/16”(水冷)
825305– 283 Sullair Snut, hex flanged 5/16” (air — cooled) 螺母,六角法兰 5/16”(风冷)
250020– 015 Sullair panel, fiberglass door 面板, 玻璃纤维门
250017– 310 Sullair panel, access side 面板,访问侧
829104– 100 Sullair capscrew, hex 1/4”– 20 六角螺钉 1/4”– 20
250018– 646 Sullair panel, end 面板,结束
861405– 092 Sullair nut, retainer 5/16”– 18 螺母,保持器 5/16”– 18
43502 Sullair felt, weatherstrip 毡,挡风雨条
241137 Sullair guard, fan 20” 后卫,风扇 20”
838205– 071 Sullair washer, plain 5/16” 垫圈,普通 5/16”
250017– 308 Sullair panel, access roof 面板,检修屋顶
410358 Sullair fan, vent 18” 风扇,通风口 18”
410179 Sullair guard, exhaust fan 防护罩,排气扇
825305– 283 Sullair nut, hex flange 5/16” 螺母,六角法兰 5/16”
829705– 075 Sullair screw, hex serrated washer 5/16” x 3/4” 螺钉,六角锯齿垫圈 5/16” x 3/4”
838205– 071 Sullair washer, plain 5/16” 垫圈,普通 5/16”
250000– 031 Sullair motor, 25HP (230, 460V) 电机, 25HP (230, 460V)
829705– 075 Sullair screw, hex serrated washer 5/16” x 3/4” 螺钉,六角锯齿垫圈 5/16” x 3/4”
250021– 321 Sullair grip, cord 1/2” 握把,绳子 1/2”
250021– 260 Sullair panel, access side special (air — cooled) 面板,访问侧特殊(风冷)
250034– 296 Sullair Spanel, access side special (water — cooled) 镶板,访问侧特殊(水冷)
250034– 939 Sullair angle, seal (40 and 50 HP) 角钢,密封(40 和 50 HP)
250034– 881 Sullair Sangle, seal (60 and 75 HP) Sangle,密封件(60 和 75 HP)
250017– 310 Sullair panel, access side (air — cooled) 面板,接入侧(空气-冷却)
250034– 297 Sullair Spanel, access side (water — cooled) 面板,入口侧(水冷)
241814 Sullair decal, fork lifting 贴花,叉车起重
250034– 137 Sullair decal, 12BS maintenance kit (40,50,60HP) 贴花,12BS 维护套件(40、50、60HP)
49855 Sullair sign, warning sever fan 标志,警告服务器风扇
49965 Sullair sign, warning sever fan port 标志,警告服务器风扇端口
49850 Sullair sign, danger electrocution 标志,危险触电
250021– 286 Sullair decal, rotation 贴花,旋转
02250069– 399 Sullair decal, 460 voltage international (I) 贴花,460 电压国际 (I)
02250075– 046 Sullair decal, earth ground 贴花,接地
49852 Sullair decal, warning ground fault 贴花,警告接地故障
250022– 810 Sullair decal, water drain 贴花,排水
250003– 144 Sullair sign, warning “food grade” lube 标志,警告“食品级”润滑油
250027– 935 Sullair sign, danger air breathing 标志,危险空气呼吸
49685 Sullair sign, warning compressor fluid fill cap 标志,警告压缩机流体填充盖
250023– 361 Sullair decal, compressor fluid Sullube 32 贴花,压缩机油 Sullube 32
250022– 839 Sullair decal, SRF 1/4000 fluid 贴花,SRF 1/4000 流体
42218 Sullair decal, danger high voltage 贴花,危险高压
250019– 107 Sullair decal, “water in” 贴花,“进水”
250019– 108 Sullair decal, “water out” 贴花,“出水”
49873 Sullair decal, water inlet/outlet 贴花,进水口/出水口
410238 Sullair decal, oil stop valve P/N 016741 贴花,油截止阀 P/N 016741
250021– 564 Sullair decal, rotation 贴花,旋转
250021– 483 Sullair decal, SRF 1/4000 logo 贴花,SRF 1/4000 标志
46540 Sullair decal, compressor lubricant 贴花,压缩机润滑油
02250057– 624 Sullair decal, ISO 9001 贴花,ISO 9001
02250061– 016 Sullair decal, 24 KT 贴花,24 KT
250034– 138 Sullair decal, maintenance LS — 16 贴花,维护 LS — 16
02250059– 054 Sullair decal, Sullair 贴花,寿力
02250061– 165 Sullair decal, LS — 12 贴花,LS — 12
02250061– 170 Sullair Sdecal, LS — 16 (not shown) Sdecal,LS——16(未显示)
250022– 675 Sullair decal, fluid sample 贴花,流体样品
250020– 730 Sullair decal, gauge fluid level 贴花,测量液位
250038– 457 Sullair decal, electrical component 贴花,电子元件
02250051– 301 Sullair universal (not shown) 通用(未显示)
02250051– 303 Sullair decal, instument pnl universal (not shown) 贴花,仪器 pnl 通用(未显示)
02250059– 410 Sullair decal, instrument pnl universal — dual cntrl (not shown) 贴花,仪器 pnl 通用——双 cntrl(未显示)
250025– 522 (40 — 75 HP) Sullair element for heavy duty primary air filter 重型初效空气过滤器滤芯
250025 — 526 Sullair element for heavy duty primary air filter 重型初效空气过滤器滤芯
250025 — 524 Sullair element, compressor fluid filter (100 HP) 滤芯,压缩机流体过滤器 (100 HP)
250020– 315 Sullair element for standard air filter 标准空气过滤器滤芯
049103 (12 Series) Sullair element for heavy duty air filter 重型空气过滤器滤芯
49301 Sullair element for heavy duty air filter 重型空气过滤器滤芯
Sullair element for heavy duty primary air filter 047274 重型初效空气过滤器滤芯 047274
Sullair element for heavy duty primary air filter(16 Series 60 — 75HP) 重型初效空气过滤器滤芯(16 系列 60 — 75HP)
47542 Sullair element for heavy duty primary air filter 重型初效空气过滤器滤芯
Sullair element for heavy duty secondary air filter 047274 重型二次空气过滤器滤芯 047274
47543 Sullair element for heavy duty secondary air filter(16 Series 60 — 75HP) 重型二次空气过滤器滤芯(16 系列 60 — 75HP)
02250045– 855 Sullair element for heavy duty primary air filter 重型初效空气过滤器滤芯
02250046 — 012 Sullair element for heavy duty primary air filter(16 Series100HP ) 重型初效过滤器滤芯(16 系列100HP )
Sullair element for heavy duty secondary air filter 02250045– 855 (16 Series 100HP) 重型二次空气过滤器滤芯 02250045– 855(16 系列 100HP)
02250046 — 013 Sullair element for heavy duty secondary air filter 重型二次空气过滤器滤芯
250034 — 116 Sullair primary element for separator 250034– 115 分离器的主要元件 250034– 115
250042 — 862 Sullair secondary element for separator 250042– 861 分离器辅助元件 250042– 861
241581 (12 Series) Sullair repair kit for minimum pressure/check valve 最小压力/止回阀修理包
250026 — 758 Sullair repair kit for minimum pressure/check valve 最小压力/止回阀修理包
250016– 618 Sullair repair kit for minimum pressure/check valve 最小压力/止回阀修理包
250019 — 444 Sullair repair kit for minimum pressure/check valve (16 Series) 最小压力/止回阀维修套件(16 系列)
250016– 618 Sullair repair kit, cap for minimum pressure/check valve 维修套件,最小压力/止回阀盖
02250046 — 396 Sullair repair kit, cap for minimum pressure/check valve(16 Series) 维修套件,最小压力/止回阀盖帽(16 系列)
250016– 618 (16 Series) Sullair repair kit, o– ring for minimum pressure/check valve 维修套件,用于最小压力/止回阀的 O 型圈
02250048 — 363 Sullair repair kit, o– ring for minimum pressure/check valve 维修套件,用于最小压力/止回阀的 O 型圈
250033 — 038 Sullair repair kit, piston for minimum pressure/check valve 维修套件,最小压力活塞/止回阀
250016– 618 (16 Series) Sullair repair kit, piston for minimum pressure/check valve 维修套件,最小压力活塞/止回阀
02250051 — 337 Sullair repair kit, piston for minimum pressure/check valve 维修套件,最小压力活塞/止回阀
250030 — 276 Sullair repair kit for blowdown valve 排污阀修理包
02250045 — 132 Sullair repair kit for blowdown valve 排污阀修理包
250038 — 674 Sullair repair kit for solenoid valve 电磁阀修理包
250038 — 673 Sullair repair kit for solenoid valve 电磁阀修理包
250038– 674 Sullair replacement kit for solenoid valve coil 电磁阀线圈更换套件
250031 — 738 Sullair replacement kit for solenoid valve coil 电磁阀线圈更换套件
040648 (Std.)40649 Sullair repair kit for flexible gasket 弹性垫片修理包
250007 — 563 (KT) Sullair repair kit for flexible gasket 弹性垫片修理包
250007 — 564 Sullair repair kit for flexible gasket 弹性垫片修理包
250020 — 353 Sullair replacement kit for Sullicon Control Sulicon Control 更换套件
250006 — 526 Sullair Sullicon spring 苏利康弹簧
241771 Sullair repair kit for v– type strainer v-型过滤器修理包
241772 Sullair repair kit for v– type strainer v-型过滤器修理包
02250050 — 363 Sullair repair kit for shaft seal (12 Series 40 and 50HP) 轴封修理包(12 系列 40 和 50HP)
02250050 — 364 Sullair repair kit for shaft seal (12 Series 60HP; 16 Series 60– 100HP) 轴封修理包(12 系列 60HP;16 系列 60– 100HP)
602542 — 001 Sullair repair kit for shaft seal installation 轴封安装修理包
250018– 041 Sullair repair kit for combination separator/trap 组合分离器/捕集器修理包
250019 — 662 Sullair fluid, SRF 1/4000 (Std. 12 Series; Std. 16 Series60 and 75HP) (5 gallons) 流体,SRF 1/4000(标准 12 系列;标准 16 系列 60 和 75HP)(5 加仑)
250022 — 669 Sullair lubricant, Sullube 32 (Std. 16 Series 100HP ) (5 gallons) 润滑剂,Sullube 32(Std. 16 系列 100HP)(5 加仑)
046850 — 001 Sullair lubricant, 24KT (5 gallons) 润滑剂,24KT(5 加仑)
14512 Sullair repair kit for thermal valve 热阀修理包
1168 Sullair repair kit for thermal valve 热阀修理包
16741 Sullair repair kit for fluid stop valve 流体截止阀修理包
1684 Sullair repair kit for fluid stop valve 流体截止阀修理包
406929 Sullair repair kit for pressure regulator 压力调节器修理包
41742 Sullair repair kit for pressure regulator 压力调节器修理包



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